Steltronic Hardware News


Hard Disk Drives Disappearing Act by Steltronic Steltronic is moving to new solid state technologies in bowling computers. With no moving parts, really fast performance, & cooler temperatures, new Solid State Drive (SSD) technology is arriving in Steltronic bowling computers. From the front desk and workstation PC’s to the Vision NEX Lane Computers, this new […]

Sky Lanes in Scottsdale with Steltronic and Unreal Bowling Grand Opening

Sky Lanes with Steltronic and Unreal Bowling Integration Congratulations to the newest bowling boutique SKY LANES in Scottsdale Arizona that just finished up with their grand opening this past weekend. Sky Lanes has the all new Unreal Bowling system which displays amazing graphics on the bowling lanes, with interaction of the moving bowling ball changing the […]

Steltronic SoccerBowl IAAPA

[ARForms_popup id=105 type=’onload’ height=’auto’ width=’800′ on_delay=’5′ overlay=’0.6′ is_close_link=’yes’ modal_bgcolor=’#000000′ ] Steltronic to display SoccerBowl at IAAPA 2017 The Steltronic team will be exhibiting something new at the IAAPA trade show in Orlando Florida, November 7-10th 2017. Look for a booth display of SoccerBowl, also known as FootBowl in Europe. With the excitement and possibility of […]

Steltronic Automatic Scoring Essentials

Steltronic Automatic Scoring Essentials When you thinking of your next automatic scoring purchase, remember these key words: Value Service Support Price Loyalty Quality Steltronic believes in these key words and will earn and retain your business for many years. Steltronic Automatic Scoring For more information about Steltronic or any other related automatic scoring questions, feel […]

Christmas in July

Only 178 days until Christmas, but that doesn’t mean automatic scoring will arrive under a tree this summer, they can actually arrive at your bowling center on pallets wrapped in shrink wrap. While the pallets are not as colorful as wrapped Christmas gifts, the scoring equipment on the pallets is something you and your bowlers […]

Certified Pre-Owned Automatic Scoring

Certified Pre-Owned Automatic Scoring PLENTY OF UPGRADES During this past winter season, Steltronic was hard at work upgrading many bowling centers with Steltronic Focus (VGA output) hardware and converting them over to the new Steltronic Focus HDMI lane computers. This creates a lot of re-certified hardware for sale. The response has been overwhelming with many […]