Steltronic Hardware News

iPad Integration with Steltronic Scoring Systems

iPad integration with Steltronic Steltronic is pleased to announce that your Apple iPad® can control the Steltronic scoring system taking Steltronic into the next level of portability. With the ever popular Apple iPad®, you can be completely mobile and sell food and beverages directly from the iPad®. If your bowling center has waiters and waitresses […]

Steltronic server compared to a desktop PC

Server comparison to a desktop PC Many people mistakenly believe that a server is not any different from a typical desktop computer; however this couldn’t be further from the truth.   While almost any computer that meets the minimum hardware requirements can run a server operating system, this alone does not make a desktop computer […]

Steltronic Digital Signage

Digital Signage from Steltronic   Steltronic Digital Signage Features Multiple areas on one screen customized by you Live data from your server showing the current data for the time and day of the week Waiting Lists Graphical advertisements Menu boards Current Rates Contact Steltronic at (909) 971-9656 for more information.

Steltronic Digital Signage

Digital Signage from Steltronic   Steltronic Digital Signage Features Multiple areas on one screen customized by you Live data from your server showing the current data for the time and day of the week Waiting Lists Graphical advertisements Menu boards Current Rates Contact Steltronic at (909) 971-9656 for more information.