Steltronic and the USBC Tournament of events – 7 consecutive years and counting

Steltronic and the USBC Tournament of events – 7 consecutive years and counting

Steltronic Scoring – its 7th consecutive year with the USBC Tournament of Events


Steltronic is proud to announce that for the 7th consecutive year in a row, Steltronic Focus software and Steltronic Vision hardware will be the official scoring system of the United States Bowling Congress Women’s Championship Tournament starting in April – 2015 at the National Bowling Stadium, Reno Nevada. The Steltronic scoring system has been in use with the USBC Championship Tournaments since 2009 with its opening debut at the 2009 Masters Tournament located inside the Cashman Convention Center – Northern Las Vegas, Nevada.

After studying a variety of scoring systems showcased at the Bowl Expo in 2007, the USBC chose Steltronic’s new Focus/Vision scoring system, which proved to be the most tournament-friendly and the most compatible with USBC’s unique event formats and needs. Along with the Daktronic scoring displays, also known as one of the world’s largest “portable” video displays, Steltronic scoring was the first scoring system to be used with the Daktronic video displays when the USBC decided to move into something more exciting than the traditional green flip dot score boards. The new video displays are so brilliant and bright, that during tournament play, the displays are only at 25% brightness levels.

When the Women’s tournament was held in Reno Nevada at the National Bowling Stadium in 2012, Steltronic scoring was customized to work with the National Bowling Stadium projectors, as this configuration was different than your traditional scoring system, whereas the scoring system displayed scoring from two lanes was using just one projector. With the hard work of both the USBC IT department and the Steltronic team of programmers, the Focus/Vision scoring system was a huge success because the women bowling in the tournament were able to see both 1st and 2nd ball displays, something that has not been traditionally seen in previous years without Steltronic as the scoring system driving the projector displays at the National Bowling Stadium.

Steltronic Scoring
Intercollegiate Singles Championship Tournament



Steltronic Scoring Systems
Women’s Championship

In addition to the Women’s Championship Tournaments over the past 7 years, Steltronic Focus and Vision scoring has been used successfully for the Intercollegiate Team and Intercollegiate singles events with lane movements after each game, World Women’s Events, USBC Queens, USBC Senior Queens, USBC Masters Tournaments, and also the Bowlers Journal Tournaments located within the National Bowling Stadium during the USBC Open Championship Tournaments in 2013 – 2014.

For more information on the Steltronic Focus/Vision scoring system, contact Steltronic at (800) 942-5939

Steltronic Automatic Scoring

Jim Osdale