Steltronic 3D Models

3-D Virtual Tour of Our Cutting-Edge 8-Lane Bowling Center with Steltronic Equipment

Tour our three-dimensional (3D) virtual journey through an eight-lane bowling center equipped with state-of-the-art Steltronic technology. Delve into the strategic placement of our hardware 3D models and gain insights into the necessary preparations ahead of the arrival of our skilled Steltronic installation team by clicking on the image below.

Steltronic Bowling Center 3D Model
3d model pinsetters lanes restaurant bowling alley scorekeeper automatic scoring

Dive into the three-dimensional world of our hardware by simply clicking on the Steltronic (3D models) hardware images below. Discover the intricate details and features that set our products apart from the competition.

Universal Monitor Brackets

Ball Storage Table

Dual Touch Screens

Single Touch Screen

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